Annie’s story

At this point, I am deviating a bit from my previous posts.  Up until recently, I’ve been posting excerpts from a book I have written about my experiences at a private preschool.  However, if you would like to continue to read my story, please leave me a comment and let me know.  I’m investigating how to self-publish and make it an e-book.

Currently, I’m a kindergarten teacher at a public elementary school.  I’d like to turn my blog’s attention to more real-time issues and comments.  Since it is August, teachers’ attention can’t help but be drawn to the coming school year.  I’m still trying to enjoy my last few days of “freedom,” but my focus is forced toward school when I see Back-to-School ads on T.V. and when my co-workers text about upcoming teacher workday events.  It completely ruins the zen I’m trying to achieve.  If you’re a teacher or school staff member, what are YOU doing in August?